Thursday, January 15, 2009

Requirements of a Good Blog

I have been neglecting the blogger since some days uncremeniously, why I could not understand. Meanwhile it has transformed a lot introducing more facilities I realise. I always to have more and more practice in blogging. I want to make it my prime hobby. I always try to connect to web and surf blogs of others as I find time. But there are a number of constraints on this context. At most of the time my service provider ( of the Dial-up Service) does not seem to co-operate, the streaming is so slow that no page is opened. I have registered with so many platforms now. I occasionally write some useful stuff on wordpress and platforms. Blogging is a business depending upon various elements/factors. A right mental balance and sufficient information on the chosen topic is a must.You might have the capability to type and have a good diction to write extempore.
What are the requirements of a good blog? What I realise 1) It should have a good topical issue 2) It should have a clear vision with lucid elaborations 3) It should have to be accompanied with pictures as far as possible lastly 4) It should be posted in a right platform to attract a wide audience.

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