Since last Oscar Ceremony India particularly slum India and Rural India got the attention of the World at large. Slumdog Millionaire and Smile Pinki the two plots are the required tickets t our India, the slum and rural India.
While roaming through the dusty bylanes and the beten tracks of the sub-urabn and the countrysied nearby the place I reside I am now on look out of such plots, such charatcters, I am deeply observing every nook and corner of the places I happen to visit on my official tour etc to ferret out the unique characters, situations to be a good potrayal object. At least some plots will definitely fit for the generalised blogs. Even specialised blogs can also be fed with some of the rural plots.There are a lot of activities waiting to be captured by photoclicks and put togather in shape of one story are aboud. Just to find out the time and place and separate the special characters and fabricate into one full story.