Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
How to Prevent Head and Neck Cancer
As there is no therapies to cure it one has to immune oneself by preventing some of the risk factors like consumption of alcohol, smoking etc and practicing some of the protective practices like regular excercise and a healthy diet.
To follow some of the steps precisely are as under:
1) Don’t smoke or use any other tobacco products
2) Don’t drink alcohol frequently or heavily
3) Don’t combine alcohol and tobacco use
4) Don’t go back to smoking or drinking after treatment
5) Have a healthy diet comprising fruits and vegetables and induct regular exercise into your daily regimen
6) Avoid long sun exposure
7) Maintain good oral hygiene and see your dentist regularly
8) Be aware of the danger of HPV (human papillomavirus)"
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The Dream of a Nuclear free World
The recent Prauge Speech of Mr. Barack Obama has since evoked a serious and much concerned debate on the crucial issue of nuclear disarmament. The is not new to a president of United States. Before him some of the presidents has tried to address the issue in their own way. Mr Bill Clinton has tried to ratify the CTBT( Comprehensive Test ban Treaty) and talked much on disarmament. Though in Mr. Bush's time the issue never took off it was not dead. From Henry Kissinger onwards so many western personalities have been echoing the same language for a nuclear free world
In this present scenario of non-nuclear states acquiring nuclear war heads( N Korea testing rockets having war heads, satellite launch) the speech of Obama gets significance. He calls for a world rid of nuclear arsenals. Though he becomes a victim of the apprehension of not achieving the goal within his life time. How true it is! The complete destruction of such a huge compilation of nuclear armaments is simply not possible in near future. But the President's concern , his sincerity, his vision is to be felt everywhere.
If Mr. Obama is so serious he should concentrate on thre most important things for the interim, however.First, he would reduce the role of nuclear weapons in U.S. national security strategy. Secondly, he was committed to the “immediate and aggressive pursuit” of Senate ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty as the first step towards pushing for the CTBT’s entry into force. Thirdly, a verifiable ban on the dedicated production of fissile material for the manufacture of nuclear weapons would be a top priority.
Here again the speech is definitely a step forword from the position maintined by the previous Bush administration. To make it mor meaning ful, not only ratification of CTBT but also Washington needs to end all work on the design and refinement of new nuclear weapons, whether of the “mini nuke” or the Reliable Replacement Warhead variety.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Ideas 15.3.09
Since last Oscar Ceremony India particularly slum India and Rural India got the attention of the World at large. Slumdog Millionaire and Smile Pinki the two plots are the required tickets t our India, the slum and rural India.
While roaming through the dusty bylanes and the beten tracks of the sub-urabn and the countrysied nearby the place I reside I am now on look out of such plots, such charatcters, I am deeply observing every nook and corner of the places I happen to visit on my official tour etc to ferret out the unique characters, situations to be a good potrayal object. At least some plots will definitely fit for the generalised blogs. Even specialised blogs can also be fed with some of the rural plots.There are a lot of activities waiting to be captured by photoclicks and put togather in shape of one story are aboud. Just to find out the time and place and separate the special characters and fabricate into one full story.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Dateline Orissa
For three days from 11th march there is a raucous in Orissa now. The support base of the ruling party, the BJD, has since been weakened after the withdrawal of support of its allied partner BJP. I was unknown t this dispute until I got a sneak in one of the popular newspapers one day morning and from the net. I thought it as a ploy of the
Congress the main opposition Party ad the BJP which tries to prove its significance to make the Govt. survive.
To-day I went through one of the article in Indian Express, by one Goa Assembly Secretary. It has analysed the issue in its entirety considering all the aspects, the role of HH Governor, the speaker, and the beleaguered CM. First of all, he clarifies, The Governor should not ask for any trial of strength at this time when the term is about to end in three months and Madel code of conduct due to the ensuing elections is full in force and the Govt. discharges only the bureaucratic role. Secondly the Speaker instead of recording the vote opted I mean ordered for voice vote. Why he did not want to record? To evade the identification of defectors from the BJP? And why does the CM , more beleaguered now a days, shy of facing a recorded vote?
Dear Naveen Patnaik, we confess we are charmed so far by your sagacity and alacrity, care to reply and face the vote.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Elections for the15th Lokasabha has, as expected for some days before, been announced abruptly on 2nd Mar 09 as I am home. Some office works that required to be finalised before the election process gets started is still undone. BDO as well as dev. clerk is seemd to be xtremely busy in writing some 100 work orders overnight on the recommendations of the peoples representatives. What a situation!
On elections, commenting in Business Standard newspapers editors have remarked some vital observations. For some days there is a growing debate about the efficacy of parliamentary democracy in India. Considering the diversity in social, economical geographical persepectives the comment argues that the so called presidential system that requires that the vast power is concentrated in one hand is not suitable in India, insted the power needs to be diversified/ devolved into verious hands selected democratically. For the clear grasp of the points see Business Standard 5.3.09
But fervently believe decision making process that is seen in a democracy in India is too tardy , unbeilivably slow which make us loose the edge. Look China, the power is vested in one single hand or rather the decisions are made so fast to catapult the country to its present heights.
Technorati Tags system,Elections,Democracy,Parlimentary
Monday, February 9, 2009
Morning notes
The lastest editorial in Daily times Pakistan that appeared to-day makes interesting reading for me. The editorial commments on the visit of Mr. Halbrooke to that country. His mission is to mainly solve the Afghanistan imbroglio. He has not been to go far to issues with India and Kashmir, which makes the state of Pakistan a little disappointed. At every forum Pakistan tries to link Kashmir with the problem of Taliban and terrorism that flourish in that country. It always tries to keep the issue live, insisting that the only way to solve all the terrorism issues by rosolving the Kashmir, which is purely a bilateral issue, through the International Fora.
Please see here how the editorial skirted the direct references to Kasmir and India here by just referencing about the regional stability.
A state that is central to a solution to the problem of terrorism and regional cooperation in general must be accorded the importance it deserves. And “importance” translates into an understanding of Pakistan’s security concerns and the resolution of those disputes that have so far prevented states in the region from extending cooperation to each other. The proposal by Bangladesh to have a regional force to deal with terrorism is a good one but its actualisation requires the degree of trust and confidence that the region currently lacks. Mr Holbrooke’s task is therefore cut out for him. He did a good job in Bosnia but the Balkans, despite Serb savagery, were still much easier than this part of the world where at least two states are armed with nuclear weapons and that fact reduces the ability of external actors, even one as powerful as the United States, to influence their behaviour. *
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Obama and the laymans like me
Friday, January 16, 2009
India and Pakistan

Meanwhile Pakistan has been torn apart giving birth to a new country called Bangladesh in 1971. Since then Pakistan has vociverously engaged in a smear capaign against India, as it thinks that creation of Bangladesh is the handiwork of India. It is since then engaged in creating disturbances in India in one or other sorts. In the name of Jehadi it is engaged to train up terrorists to infiltrate into Kashmir and other parts of India. On so many occasions in the past, in most of the terrorist activities its hands were traced. Some fire brand Indian born terrorists have taken shelter in side its territory. In spite of credible evidence Pakistan used to spurn the evidences handed over by India and no action is taken against the persons engaged in these activites from its soil. India is making allegation the State agencies like ISI and Pakistan Army/ Navy are colluding and giving support to these terrorists.
Since Mumbai attack there is a different kind of tension between the countries. The ghastly activity perpetrated on the innocent people in Mumbai in two posh Hotels and the CST the railway station was masterminded by some persons in Pakistan. It is accepted by Pakistan now, in spite of initial denials, after the world community shown it to Pakistan. Now it seem India has carried out a diplomatic attack on Pakistan without resorting to any military action. Now the Pakistan State is in a quandry. How to offset the dilomatic offensive?
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Requirements of a Good Blog
What are the requirements of a good blog? What I realise 1) It should have a good topical issue 2) It should have a clear vision with lucid elaborations 3) It should have to be accompanied with pictures as far as possible lastly 4) It should be posted in a right platform to attract a wide audience.