Frogs are my favourite animals, especially in this rainy days. What I know they are from amphibian community, but they live in water. They have various sizes and sub groups. Almost all over the world it can be found. In our part of the world they multyply in numbers in this rainy season only. So we come to see all the stage of its life cycle in this time of the year.
Actually it was very useful in our science classes, just collect a big sized frog, tear it apart vertically and go through its inner parts that resemble as that of mammals. The first thing a new college goer to do is to collect a frog, a prised catch mainly in the rainy season. This is to note here that at the time of commencement of the new biology classes it is the rainy season around in our part of the world.Frogs were common with the rain. Most of the time they become a nuisance at night with their never ending sounds they create. In the dark of the night in our small village the only audible sound is the frogs sound in the thick filled mud on the road and with out a trace of light, when e used to move form one house to the other to fetch some bare necessities for the home kitchen. It is costomery in those days to ask for something or the other to the neighbour invariably everyday and we the childern were ordered to perform that part.Now at this ripe age I am away from the village life and presumably away form the menacing frogs. It is the town life? Everything is almost the same, but the rain without the usual frogs. Where all the frogs have gone? Is it one example of environmental degradation?
Friday, June 27, 2008
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
No Moon's Day of Jyesta(Jun 3, 2008)
The day broke with some clouds , I mean cloudy sky, after a long wait to lose ones forbearance of the scorching Sun in this pick month of summer. Little to say some other parts of the state mainly in coastal belt, a good rain has cooled the sunny atmosphere for the last fortnight. The temperature in this region is so high that the mercury touched almost 47 degree Celsius. Today happens to be the day of a main festival in Orissa, a state in eastern region of India. The two most celebrated festivities that concern women and girls in Orissa are Savitri and Raja in local languages. And to-day is Savitri.
The festival is celebrated to commemorate one princess who has shown much courage and val ore in being loyal to her in-laws and husband as well as her strong resolve not to deviate from her vow once made to marry a prince in exile while he was in forest engaged with cutting a tree. ( It was strange for Savitri to select such a person to be her spouse, when she was given freedom to choose her own). After marrying him ( Satyaban) she was so devoted to him and his father and family that the King of Death Yama gave her a boon, appearing in person in front of her, on her husband's death. When the boon was approved by Yama, Savitri asked to be the mother of hundred sons, which is possible only if her husband come alive again, and Yama ultimately gave her husband the life.
This is only a legend, so to say impossible. Perhaps the story has been framed to perpetuate the system of subjugation of woman. She has to be loyal to her husband come what may is the only dictate the legend portrays. The woman celebrates it with joy by re-reading the story from the scriptures in front of the congregation of married women taking part in the puja in the mid day wit some offerings of flowers etc to Savitri to be of a Savitri to serve her husband and his family. This is a yearly ritual which renews the sentiment year after year.
The festival is celebrated to commemorate one princess who has shown much courage and val ore in being loyal to her in-laws and husband as well as her strong resolve not to deviate from her vow once made to marry a prince in exile while he was in forest engaged with cutting a tree. ( It was strange for Savitri to select such a person to be her spouse, when she was given freedom to choose her own). After marrying him ( Satyaban) she was so devoted to him and his father and family that the King of Death Yama gave her a boon, appearing in person in front of her, on her husband's death. When the boon was approved by Yama, Savitri asked to be the mother of hundred sons, which is possible only if her husband come alive again, and Yama ultimately gave her husband the life.
This is only a legend, so to say impossible. Perhaps the story has been framed to perpetuate the system of subjugation of woman. She has to be loyal to her husband come what may is the only dictate the legend portrays. The woman celebrates it with joy by re-reading the story from the scriptures in front of the congregation of married women taking part in the puja in the mid day wit some offerings of flowers etc to Savitri to be of a Savitri to serve her husband and his family. This is a yearly ritual which renews the sentiment year after year.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Sunny afternoon nap

Life is actually unbearable with the mercury rising so high, to 45 degrees Celsius in my locality now a days. All the sources of water has been since dried up coming to a trickle. My cooler is old obsolete enough to render it partially unworkable. Still I could manage to sit before the computer continuously for hours together to-day. Some letters celebrating Mothers Day has just arrived from no other than my friend from France, Bigina. I wonder she takes it so seriously but in my part of the world there is no such concepts of celebration. A cultural difference?
I was actually obsessed with some tasks in the computer which ultimately postponed due to mainly the slow Internet connection. A page in my connection takes a long long time to open. What does Mothers day signify? Is this to symbolise the Love and Affection we are apt to seek from our Mothers? But I think the relationship of a mother with her progeny is so pristine, so ebullient and so above all worldly conceptions that to mark the day will definitely diminish the sanctity of that relation. No amount of marking can match that immeasurable. It is precisely intangible. So not to diminish that sanctity perhaps , in our locality no such a day as a Mothers day.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Name and the First Name
Names have definitely certain and essentially significant funtions. The shakspearian view that names has nothing to contribute to ones attrubutes has since been proved wrong. Tne name indicates ones significance in a proper perspective. There are certain examples where changing name has resulted a cchange in certain characters. Moreever the name of a person has much more significant effects on his/her personality.It describes the personalities attributes in a single word. This is his / her first name bequethed by his/her paents. But the title is to signfy the clan. Any how to identify a person and his/her place in society the name with title are to be commonly used.
Recently I happened to come across a blog about the names of the US Presidential candidates used in their respective poll campaigns. The respected Blogger narrates that names , and so to say first names has certain significance in the societal parlance. Generally First names are rserved especially to mark as a symbol of respect, hence Juniors have been barred from clling their Seniors by their first names. He/She cites the example of reports calling Democrat candidates as Hillary and Barak, which , in her view should not be , in stead, these should be as Mrs. Clnton and Mr. Obama. Yes the blogger has the right feelings, hs/she respects the societal norms.
Though the feelings he/she exhibited is of significance, there rightly a predicament crops up while identifying properly a person by merely his/her titled name( as Clinton or Obama here in this example) You can find a host of personalities associated with the same type of works with the titled name, and hence there is bound to be an amalgametory confusion. If you simply call the present presidential candidate as Clinton, you cannot avoid confusing her with her husband. I can cite one titled name Gandhi in India. If you use the name of Gandhi even in a political arena, there a number of Gandhis you have encounter in the same field such as Mahatma Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi all in top slots in political horisons in India. You can take Mr. Bush in US. There are at least two equally important nad equally ranked Bushes, one junior and other senor. So I hareby venture to point out that to properly identify a personality his / her unique name may be first, last or middle is utmost necessary, however respectful or disrespectful it may be. So here the learned campaign managers of the predential candidates have rightly planned their Mast Heads using the first names. No question of condescending to a lower grade, rather the social respect booster, by enabling a proper representation of the personality with out confusion.
Recently I happened to come across a blog about the names of the US Presidential candidates used in their respective poll campaigns. The respected Blogger narrates that names , and so to say first names has certain significance in the societal parlance. Generally First names are rserved especially to mark as a symbol of respect, hence Juniors have been barred from clling their Seniors by their first names. He/She cites the example of reports calling Democrat candidates as Hillary and Barak, which , in her view should not be , in stead, these should be as Mrs. Clnton and Mr. Obama. Yes the blogger has the right feelings, hs/she respects the societal norms.
Though the feelings he/she exhibited is of significance, there rightly a predicament crops up while identifying properly a person by merely his/her titled name( as Clinton or Obama here in this example) You can find a host of personalities associated with the same type of works with the titled name, and hence there is bound to be an amalgametory confusion. If you simply call the present presidential candidate as Clinton, you cannot avoid confusing her with her husband. I can cite one titled name Gandhi in India. If you use the name of Gandhi even in a political arena, there a number of Gandhis you have encounter in the same field such as Mahatma Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi all in top slots in political horisons in India. You can take Mr. Bush in US. There are at least two equally important nad equally ranked Bushes, one junior and other senor. So I hareby venture to point out that to properly identify a personality his / her unique name may be first, last or middle is utmost necessary, however respectful or disrespectful it may be. So here the learned campaign managers of the predential candidates have rightly planned their Mast Heads using the first names. No question of condescending to a lower grade, rather the social respect booster, by enabling a proper representation of the personality with out confusion.
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